Veganism beyond the trend: Adapting to a plant-based lifestyle sustainably

In a world where veganism has evolved from a niche lifestyle to a mainstream movement, Rohini Bajekal adopted the practice long before it gained widespread recognition.

Ayurveda meets vegan beauty

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of holistic health, provides invaluable insights that align seamlessly with a vegan lifestyle.

Valentine’s day either warms your heart or makes you want to run and hide. Whichever camp you fall into is perfect and whole, that said, I am here to remind you who your biggest cheerleader is - you.

A lot of celebrities in Hollywood are turning towards a plant-based diet these days, and for good measure. Among the many benefits of veganism to one's body, some are weight loss, lower cholesterol levels, reduced risk of heart disease, and...

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