Tuesday 26th May 2015 01:40 EDT

Asian Business Publications Ltd (ABPL) has been publishing Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice in the UK since 1972, during which time we have always striven to put the needs of our community first. In over 50 years of continuous campaigning, we've managed to build an intimate trust with our readers and advertisers.

The key to our success has been our abiding and uncompromising commitment to the interest of our readers. Over the four decades we’ve learned a lot about your likes and dislikes, your changing lifestyles, your interests and your priorities. Equipped with this invaluable insight we offer the latest news with in-depth reports and analysis on issues of particular importance to British Asians.

Our readers have a unique relationship with our titles and they expect a depth of coverage, and a level of insight, that is simply not available elsewhere, despite the recent entry of other ethnic titles, websites, and television channels. We have not compromised on the crucial elements that our readers expect from us: therefore we continue to be the most informative; our columns the most definitive; our analysis the most incisive; and our comment the most thought provoking.

We continually champion the causes of our readers, reporting on our successes and their failures and we continue to cover the diverse interests of the Asian community with the depth and insight they deserve and for that reason we’ve designed Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar along the lines of a serious quality newspaper.

To learn more about us, please visit our .

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