Veganism beyond the trend: Adapting to a plant-based lifestyle sustainably

In a world where veganism has evolved from a niche lifestyle to a mainstream movement, Rohini Bajekal adopted the practice long before it gained widespread recognition.

Ayurveda meets vegan beauty

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of holistic health, provides invaluable insights that align seamlessly with a vegan lifestyle.

The ABPL group along with Nova IVI fertility clinic in India had hosted an IVF education seminar at Novotel Hotel in Wembley on 2nd November. The main objective of this seminar was to create awareness about IVF among the Asian community and...

The flu vaccine is free for at risk groups including pregnant women, children aged 2 and 3 as well as school children in reception to year 5, people under 65 with long-term health conditions and those aged 65 and over. 

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