Incremental growth is more sustainable than sudden gains

When we exercise, muscle gain and strength development progress gradually with consistent workouts. Similarly, learning is a slow, step-by-step process that accumulates knowledge over time. Building wealth also follows an incremental pattern, with savings and earnings accumulating day by day, month by month. Just as humans grow slowly from childhood to old age, in ways that may not be immediately visible but are noticeable over time, trees also grow gradually and almost imperceptibly.

What is your self-worth?

You may have encountered the question of an individual's net worth, which is typically measured by the monetary value of their assets. 

You may meet some new people at an event, exchange cards, promise to get in touch soon, and then forget. Or at least they forget you by the time you engage with them again. This is very common for those who are in public life and happen to attend...

Appropriateness of your demand matters in most social and professional settings. What you demand and in which situation - is an important aspect of your personality. It shows how capable you are to handle a situation, especially awkward ones....

Have you come across a situation where the prices are higher, but services are below average? A costly vacation booked for a week, turns out to be a substandard arrangement; or a romantic dinner booked with your husband on his promotion, gives...

It is actually very common to have something unique in every individual. Many of those characteristics might be acceptable, but a few might be specific to the person, and a bit weird. And that weird one is what makes us different, sometimes...

Sometimes we wonder how someone gets an innovative idea that revolutionises the world? Take an example of the discovery of a printing press or sewing machine. Or in the modern time, the invention of the computer or the World Wide Web. People...

Intelligent people are not averse to receiving criticism. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted." But some people do, and they take contradiction negatively.

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