When you read this article, most probably I would be in Vipassana for ten days. It's a different kind of experience where I won't have any means of communication, and the condition is not only silence of speech but complete silence, noble silence...

Dependance on non-punctual people can actually ruin your reputation in a big way. Many times, either in social or in professional circumstances, we are depending on people who is arranging some programme or meetings for us. And if that person...

If you have changed the phone recently, you would remember that in smartphones it's easy to transfer data from an old phone to the new one. Depending on the phone, you can transfer the data either with or without a wire. How easy it becomes...

We say goodbye on many occasions, either while moving from one place to another, or while changing a school or college, or leaving a city or a company or a country. It's always mixed feelings, and happy-sad moments, to bid farewell to near and...

Last-minute rush! Happens in everyone's life, and many times. The chance of missing a train, reaching late for a movie or not being able to reach on time to office creates a rush. We try to get ready, to maintain the time, but in that process...

You may meet some new people at an event, exchange cards, promise to get in touch soon, and then forget. Or at least they forget you by the time you engage with them again. This is very common for those who are in public life and happen to attend...

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