Vaishnav Sangh of UK ~~A dream come true~~

Wednesday 06th February 2019 12:28 EST

To celebrate the announcement the of the acquisition of the long awaited London Haveli, the Trustees of VSUK arranged a three day programme in the presence of Vaishnavacharya Shree Dwarkeshlalji Mahodayshri (Kadi, Ahemdabad)

The purpose of presentation on Friday 1st February at Jaspar Centre was to acode Donor’s supporters, well wishers, Trustees of Temples, other vaishnav groups and community leaders. It was an opportunity for all to see the centre and a formal pictorial presentation was conducted by Rajanbhai Pitamber and Pramodbhai Thakkar on the three months journey from inception of negotiations to exchange of contracts on 18th January. Subhashbhai Lakhani (chair)) welcomed all those present during the three days event, and explained the financial aspects of the project, and appealed for support from the members, to ensure it becomes Our Haveli.

Amongst guest speakers were Raj Pankhania and Anup Pankhania who were emotional, recalling that Jaspar Centre was a family social project for the benefit of the Asian elderly community, whilst the family emotions were high they were re- assured by Je Je shree and the Trustees of VSUK that all the present activities at the centre will not only continue but will be enhanced by the Trustees

Amongst other Guest speakers were Sanjay Rughani and Manish Babla of Sterling Finance Ltd who ensured swift loan finance and also Ajay Pau from Gandecha Paw Solicitors who ensured timely due diligence.

Gorande Bhatt ( MBE) & Secretary General of Shree Vallabnidhi UK, spoke about the changes at the court and was pleased that Shreenathji was coming to Jaspar Centre where she had served as a magistrate for many years.

Councillor Ajay Maru assured Je Je shree and the Trustees for his support in the future.

CB Patel from Gujarat Samachar / Asian Voice congratulated Je Je shree and the Trustees for acquiring a well needed Hindu Community centre which will incorporate Shreenathjii Haveli in Harrow which is ideally located for the Hindu Community who live in surrounding area.

Je Je shree blessed all the donors and guests and thanked the supporters and sent a message that the long awaited Shrinathdham Haveli in london for the benefit of all Vaishnavs and Hindu community and re emphasised that all the various Mandals should unite and become an integral part of this historical moment.

The two days event On Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd February the recital by Je Je shree on ShreeNathji Charitra was very well attended by over 700 devotees and followers of Je Je shree, members of VSUK, guests, VIP dignitaries, Trustees of various Temples, Local Councillors, Religious leaders, Trustees and members of various vaishnav groups, professionals and press who were bless by Je Je Shree.

This was a start to the preparations for having Shrinathji coming to Harrow by end of June 2019.

Subhash Lakhani - 07748 324092

Minaben Popat - 07958 436586

On behalf of the Board of Trustees Vaishnav Sangh of UK

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