Child sex grooming cases have grown over the years in the UK, with the most common case involving vulnerable children or young adults exploited into believing they are in a relationship with their abuser. It is about time parents, and the society stood up for the future.
In a much-needed awareness session to bring to light cases ensuing grooming and entrapment, the National Hindu Welfare Support Wellingborough Area has organised an interactive talk session on February 18, 2.30pm to 5.00pm, at Wellingborough District Hindu Association, Hindu Community Centre, 148 highfield Road, Wellingborough, NN8 1PL. The seminar will address topics related to the pushing of children into inappropriate relationships with adults, abuse, entrapment, and possible sexual slavery. Also, real life cases of grooming and entrapment will be featured and discussed, with the purpose to safeguard the child and youth of the community.