To commemorate Gandhiji's birthday on Friday 2 October 2015, a walk has been organised, dedicated to his philosophy of non-violence by Gita Foundation and National Association of Patidar Samaj in association with various community and faith organisations.
The Walk supported by the Indian High Commission, will be from Tavistock Square Gardens to Parliament Square in central London and is a special event organised along the principles followed by Mahatma Gandhi, to promote world peace to end terrorism.
The walk will commence at 11.30 at Tavistock Square after the annual garlanding of the statue at 11.00am by the Indian High Commissioner in association with India League and end at the newly placed Gandhi's statue at the Parliament Square with speeches by dignitaries.
The intended route is: Tavistock Square Gardens, (11.30 to 11.45am), Woburn Place (past Holborn Underground Station), Kingsway, Aldwych, Strand, Trafalgar Square, Whitehall, Parliament Street, Parliament Square (1.00pm). The route is mostly over fairly wide footways, across signalled pedestrian crossings and along bus routes. Those unable to cover the whole route can take a bus from midway and re-join at Parliament Square,
The organising committee is seeking permission for people to carry maximum A3 size placards which should promote peace and can include your organisation’s name. No banners will be allowed at this year’s event.
For more information contact Pravin Amin at [email protected]