Coming Events

Tuesday 02nd December 2014 14:19 EST

- Christmas celebration in Tooting , 12pm, Thursday, NAPS, 26B Tooting High Street, (Next to Natwest Bank), London SW17 0RJ

National Association of Patidar Samaj, has well established itself in the borough with its members who have been residing here since they arrived in 1960s and 1970s from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and India. Our members have always strived to be good citizens. The early arrivals were in various occupations and made substantial inroads in ownership of retail shops including sub-post offices and pharmacies. The new generations have made their mark in education and are also in trade and in various professional occupations.

Contact: Pravin Amin (Trustee), 020 8337 2873

- Death Aniversary of Sardar V Patel on Sunday 14th December, 2014. SPMS (Sardar Patel Memorial Society UK). Honourable guest speaker Mr Parshottambhai Rupal, ex MP, National vice President of BJP (current ruling Party of India) as well as in Charge of GOA BJP party. 4-8pm, meal will be served.

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