Actress Madhuri Dixit was once the undisputed queen of Hindi cinema in the 1990s. She later married Dr. Sriram Nene and moved to the US. The couple has been married for over 23 years and has two children, Arin and Ryan. The couple has since returned to Mumbai, and while Madhuri has returned to acting in films, Nene is practising his career in medicine. However, they have a “partnership” where they look after each other and their children.
In a recent conversation on her husband’s YouTube channel, Madhuri spoke about being the wife of a physician. She said, “It’s tough because of the kind of time you guys have to keep. It’s hard because then you are the one who is looking after the kids, taking them to school, getting them back and stuff like that. Also, the timings; you might have something important happening but you are not there, you are in the hospital looking after someone else. Sometimes I might be sick and you have to take care of someone else.”
But Madhuri is also proud of her husband for looking after his patients and “fighting for their rights”. She told him, “I know in the heart of heart, you are a very good person. In a marriage, it is important to know your partner.”
“We always had that partnership where we looked after each other and made sure the kids were always looked after and loved. There are times when it is difficult but there are times when we know whatever we are doing in life is for the good and is something we both want,” she shared while adding how her married life has been a “lovely journey”.
The actor also shared that before marriage, she only thought about work. But after marriage, she got to explore other things in life. She shared, “After I got married, I lived my life because we went out, we travelled a lot, and we did a lot of adventure sports which I never did earlier. It just enriched my life and made me a better person. It also gave me a flight of fancy sometimes.” Nene also appreciated how Madhuri had been a “supportive spouse” throughout their marriage.