Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu took to her Instagram handle and surprised fans with her new haircut. Her fans and friends alike approved of her new look. The video featured Samantha at a beach. She wore green-coloured swimwear as she flaunted her new short hair and flashed her evergreen smile for the camera. Sharing the video, Samantha tagged her hairdresser.
Reacting to the video, a fan wrote in the comment section, “Looks like you have understood the real meaning of life, I'm very happy for you.” “Only she can be cute and hot at the same time,” added another one. Someone also said, “The biggest project is waiting ahead 2024.”
Meanwhile, Hansika Motwani commented, “Beautiful as always.” “You are just beautiful inside and out,” added Samantha's hairdresser. Singer Sophie Choudry called her, “Gorgeous girl and bestest.”
Samantha is currently on an acting break. She arrived at the decision after wrapping up the Indian chapter of the web series ‘Citadel.’ The break is to primarily focus on her health and undergo treatment for autoimmune condition myositis in the US, as per a source close to the actor.
“Few months back, Samantha decided that she will be taking a break from acting, and was just waiting to wrap up her projects — Kushi with Vijay Deverakonda and the Indian segment of Citadel with Varun Dhawan. When I checked with her a few months back, she told me that she is not signing any projects currently,” the source said earlier.
Ever since Samantha has been on the acting break, she has been keeping her fans updated about her life. From visiting temples to going on road trips, she has been making the most of her free time.
Recently, she took to Instagram to share a bunch of pictures from her recent visit to Isha Foundation. Her post read, “A while ago, sitting still — without thoughts flooding, without twitching, itching, twisting and turning — seemed almost impossible. But today, a meditative state is my most powerful source of strength. Of calm. Of connection. And of clarity… Who would have thought that something so simple could be so powerful.”