Review of crematoria provisions and facilities

Tuesday 17th May 2016 18:20 EDT

Hindus understand that the body is a divine vehicle through which Atma realises both itself and Paramatma. The guidance of our Rishis as to the method by which this divine vehicle is returned to the Mother Earth once “dead” has been the open air cremation, the most environmentally friendly way of “recycling” all 5 elements (Vayu-Air,  jal –water, Agni-fire, bhumi-earth, ether- Akash ) to the Earth.

For last 10 years, the Hindu Forum of Britain has consistently raised concerns with the Department of Communities and Local Government that the existing facilities were not compliant with our traditions and that the facilities were usually inadequate at Crematoria across UK and the Chancellor in his last Budget speech committed to start the process of modification and construction to incorporate our needs and wishes .

The HFB and the NCHTUK received the following Consultation communication from the DCLG, a first step towards improving provision of the Crematoria. We have shared details of this with our member organisations and over 5000 individuals so that interested parties and individuals can respond and participate in a very important aspect of our religious life. The consultation commenced on 16 March with the last date to respond being 26 May 2016 and information is available on the Department for Communities and Local Government website at the above web address.

We shall be submitting a joint response by the 26th and if you would like for us to include your response with our submission than please feel free to send us your comments on either of the following emails : and .

You can also get in touch with the Department for Communities and Local Government at at

Alternatively you can email your response to

When responding, please ensure you have the words “Review of Crematoria Provision and Facilities” in the email subject line.

Mrs Trupti Patel



Pandit Satish Sharma



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