Chancellor offers advice to Indian students

Tuesday 24th September 2019 12:24 EDT

The students from Rustomjee Academy for Global Careers were in the UK for the University’s graduation ceremonies which took place from 12 -20 September 2019.

They met with the Rt Hon The Lord Paul of Marylebone, PC, who presided over the Schools of Engineering and Pharmacy graduation ceremony on Friday, 20 September 2019.

Rustomjee is a trans-national education (TNE) partner institution, which means the students complete a University of Wolverhampton degree in their own country.

The 23 students visiting had completed degrees in International Hospitality Management and Automotive Engineering.

They shared their experiences of the course, their time in England and their career aspirations.

Lord Paul also met with international students from India and the Ivory Coast who are studying on-campus in Wolverhampton.

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