Britain's highest paying degrees

Tuesday 01st October 2019 12:42 EDT

In an age where students have to fork out large tuition fees, the courses - like law, business and economics - that result in the highest graduate salaries are becoming increasingly attractive. With the Oxbridge deadline, as well as that for courses in medicine, veterinary science and dentistry, on the horizon in October, it's time to start weighing up universities options.

While monetary earnings aren't everything in a degree, it's important to know the sorts of graduate salaries you can expect to earn after graduating - and there are some big discrepancies depending on what you choose. It is certainly true that some courses at top universities can give you some of the highest paying degrees, adding tens of thousands to the average starting salary.

But some of the highest paying jobs actually come from some lesser known institutions, with engineering, computer science and business graduates from a wide variety of universities punching above their weight. Those who graduated from this course after the 2010/11 academic year earned an average £74,100 five years after graduation.

Oxford dominates the top three this year with Computing (£67,900) and Law (£67,200) coming second and third respectively. Engineering and technology students from Havering College of Further and Higher Education command a higher average salary than graduates of any other course in Britain a year after graduating.

Medicine has retained its title as the degree subject attracting the highest average graduate salary, according to the figures. While some economics and business courses might bring in the most money individually, the average medicine graduate was earning £46,600 five years after completing their course - the highest of any subject.

At the other end of the spectrum people graduating with creative arts degrees had the lowest average salaries, standing at just £20,600 five years after graduation.

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