Ace Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh who got engaged to Bollywood actress Hazel Keen this year, will reportedly enter holy matrimony on November 30, this year. Sources confirmed that the wedding would be a private affair and receptions are planned in the first week on December. "The schedule date of reception would be worked out between December 5 and 7. The wedding is happening on November 30," a source said.
Yuvi was engaged to Keech at a private ceremony in Bali last November. While the ceremony was held low-key, their marriage is set to be a big fat Indian wedding. "Yuvraj has known Hazel for the last three years, but started dating only three months before the engagement. Last year only, they announced that they would get married in 2016 winter," the source added.
The cricketer is expected to play the Ranji Trophy games before the big day. "He will continue to represent his state team Punjab to earn his place back in the national team. He is very much in the reckoning," the source said.