April 24 is cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar’s birthday. A day which the Indian cricketer's fans the world over mark with reverence and die-hard love in the form of countless wishes flooding social media. April 24 also happens to be the birthday of former Australia fast bowler Damien Fleming, and to celebrate it, cricket.com.au (the official website of Cricket Australia), pushed out a tongue-in-cheek tweet on Tuesday which has sent Tendulkar fans into a tizzy.
The tweet, along with the text ‘some @bowlogist gold from the man himself - happy birthday, Damien Fleming!’ is accompanied by a video clip of Fleming bowling Tendulkar during an ODI in Perth during the 2000 Carlton & United Series. It did not take long for Tendulkar supporters to lash out at CA. For the record, Fleming dismissed Tendulkar seven times in combined Test and ODIs. In India v Australia match-ups featuring Tendulkar, Brett Lee got the legend’s scalp the most time - 14 - followed by Glenn McGrath (13) and Gillespie (8). Fleming, who turned 48, celebrated his birthday in India following his commentary stint for the ongoing IPL. Tendulkar turned 45 on Tuesday.