India all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja hit six sixes in an over during an inter-district T20 tournament in Rajkot recently. Jadeja, who holds the record of hitting a record three Ranji Trophy triple centuries, turned out for Jamnagar against Amreli in the opening match of the Saurashtra Cricket Association (SCA) inter-district T20 tournament. According to a report, Jadeja lifted off-spinner Nilam Vamja for six consecutive sixes in the 15th over. Jadeja batted till the 19th over. He had scored 15 boundaries and 10 sixes.
The innings also served a reminder that even though selectors are not too keen on picking him for limited-overs internationals, Jadeja hasn’t lost touch with the art of piling quick runs. With this feat, Jadeja has joined the likes of Sir Garfield Sobers, Ravi Shastri, Herschelle Gibbs, Yuvraj Singh and Alex Hales in an elite list. Among them, only Yuvraj Singh (against England’s Stuart Broad in 2007 World T20) and Herschelle Gibbs (against Holland’s Daan van Bunge in 2007 World Cup) have achieved this landmark in international matches. Shastri had hit six sixes in a row against left-arm spinner Tilak Raj in a Ranji Trophy match against Baroda in 1984. Sobers, turning out for Nottinghamshire, did it against Glamorgan’s Malcolm Nash in 1968. Coincidentally, it was for Nottinghamshire again in 2015 that Hales achieved this mark, against Warwickshire in the Natwest T20 Blast.
West Indian Kieron Pollard and Lanchashire batsman Jordan Clark hold similar records, though like Jadeja, they too came in lower-rung games. Pollard had hit six sixes during an Adelaide Strikers trial game in 2014. Clark had hit six sixes during a second XI match in Scarborough in 2013.