India’s elite boxers Vikas Krishan, Satish Kumar and Neeraj Goyat have landed themselves in a soup after flouting the quarantine rules for coronavirus at the NIS centre in Patiala, where the country’s Tokyo-bound men and women boxers have been assembling for a national camp, scheduled for August 1start.
Vikas (69kg) and Satish (+91kg) have already secured quota places for Tokyo. Satish holds the distinction of being the first Indian boxer to have qualified for Olympics in the super heavyweight category. Neeraj, meanwhile, is the country’s star professional boxer who made a successful return to the pro circuit after almost a year in March.
The irresponsible behaviour of the country’s premier boxers has left the Sports Authority of India (SAI) redfaced. SAI has taken up the responsibility of organising national camps due to the derecognition of all 57 national sports federations (NSFs) by the Delhi High Court. Admitting the quarantine-protocol breach, SAI has launched an investigation into the matter and has vowed to take stern action against “erring players and officials” following an investigation into the matter. SAI hasn’t ruled out possible suspension from the camp for these boxers, while also initiating action against NIS executive director (ED), Raj Singh Bishnoi, for the embarrassing lapse.
“We are investigating it. We will take action against erring players and officials after a quick investigation. For the record, our new guidelines require quarantine for seven days. On the sixth day, the (covid-19) tests are conducted and, on getting the negative report, athletes are allowed to mix with other quarantined athletes,” SAI said in a statement.
“Apparently, a few athletes who reported late (at the NIS) were staying separately from the already quarantined athletes, for prevention of any infection, in the hostel inside the campus, which was isolated from other hostels where the athletes were housed. However, they were also tested and post negative results were allowed in the hostel inside the campus and only after obtaining due undertaking from them that they would follow the quarantine process. Despite the undertaking, they allegedly mixed with the other athletes and a coach in the campus,” the statement said.