India's star javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra has decided to train under legendary German coach Uwe Hohn who is the chief national javelin coach. Chopra, who has had some brief stints under Hohn earlier, is looking to make a mark in the upcoming Asian Games and the Worlds. Chopra was mentored by Werner Daniels in Germany for three months before returning to India to join the national camp ahead of the recent Commonwealth Games under Hohn.
It's believed that the Athletics Federation of India (AFI) played a role in the decision. Chopra will be part of the national camp in Finland from May 10 to June 22. The camp will be for throwers - shot-put, discus throw and javelin – and the athletes will return to India to participate in the Inter-State meet in Guwahati from June 26 to 29, which will also act as qualifiers for the Asiad.
During the duration of the camp, Chopra will be allowed to participate in different competitions across Europe and Hohn will accompany him to some of these events. Chopra kicked-off his long European sojourn with yet another dash at the prestigious Diamond League in Doha on May 4.
According to AFI officials, Chopra may be exempted from participating in the Guwahati meet since he is already throwing the javelin well past the Asiad qualification mark of 82m. “He could be an automatic choice and need not appear for trials,” said an official. In that case, the reigning world junior champion will be asked to appear in a confirmatory trial on August 15 in Patiala to ensure he’s keeping pace with his performance.