Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch the first Khelo India School Games at the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium in New Delhi on Wednesday. The week-long inaugural edition will be an Under-17 event where athletes have been invited to participate across 16 disciplines: Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Boxing, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Judo, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Shooting, Swimming, Volleyball, Weightlifting, and Wrestling. There will be 199 gold, 199 silver and 275 bronze medals at stake. The Khelo India programme has been introduced to revive the sports culture in the country at the grass-root level. It is expected to help scout young talent from the schools in various disciplines and groom them as future champions. Talented players identified in priority sports disciplines by a High-Powered Committee will be provided annual financial assistance of Rs 5,00,000 per annum for eight years.