The Indian women's cricket team coach Tushar Arothe was forced to resign from the post following complaints from some senior players about his method of coaching. The 51- year- old Arothe was appointed last April, replacing the former women's captain Purnima Rau, who was sacked by the board.
His resignation comes just before four months to the World Twenty20. The 10-nation ICC women's World T20 is scheduled to take place in the West Indies from November 9-24. Arothe, stepped down from his post citing personal reasons. It was under his leadership India reached the final of the women's World Cup in England last July.
As per a statement by a senior BCCI official, some players and selectors met BCCI administrators to convey that they were not comfortable with Arothe's method of training. The women’s team was going through a series of defeats. The team had faced dismissal in the Twenty20 tri-nation tournament against England and Australia in March18 and also lost a one-day international series against Australia. It was followed by two more defeats, one against Bangladesh in the Asia Cup and another one in the finals at Kuala Lumpur last month which was a major blow to the team.