India all-rounder Hardik Pandya has tied knots with his fiancee Natasa Stankovic and the couple has also announced that they are expecting a baby soon. Krunal Pandya, brother of Hardik, also shared pictures of the whole family in his social media accounts and announced to the world the happy news about his brother. Krunal has also played for India in the shorter formats.
"Natasa and I have had a great journey together and it is just about to get better Together we are excited to welcome a new life into our lives very soon. We're thrilled for this new phase of our life and seek your blessings and wishes," Hardik Pandya wrote on his Instagram.
"Natasa is a very nice girl, and we have met in Mumbai on a number of occasions. We knew that they were going on a vacation to Dubai, but had no clue that they were going to get engaged. This took us by surprise. We came to know about it after they got engaged," Hardik's father Himanshu was quoted as saying.
This is indeed a big and good news for Hardik as he was going through a harrowed time as a cricketer of late. The all-rounder, who plays for Mumbai Indians in the IPL, got himself embroiled in controversy over a few remarks in a TV show - Coffee with Karan, hosted by Bollywood director Karan Johar.
Thereafter India's premier all-rounder suffered a back injury during the Asia Cup late last year and had to undergo a surgery in London. The recuperation process kept Hardik out of action for a few months before making a comeback to the Indian team for the ODI series against South Africa at home.
But as fate would have it, the first match of the series in Dharamsala was abandoned due to rain and the rest of the series was cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic, delaying the return of Hardik.
Hardik would have got a chance to play for Mumbai Indians in IPL 2020 but even that tournament has been postponed indefinitely due to the Covid 19.