BCCI president and former Team India captain Sourav Ganguly’s condition was reviewed by experts from across the country and USA through a video conference and over phone on Monday morning, resulting in a decision to defer another angioplasty to unclog two of his blocked coronary arteries. While two of the experts - well-known cardiac specialists Devi Shetty and RK Panda - joined the virtual conference with a 10-member medical board at Woodlands Hospital where Ganguly has been admitted, opinion was sought from interventional cardiologist of Mumbai’s Jaslok Hospital Samuel Mathew and Sharmin K Sharma of The Mount Sinai Hospital of New York. Since the 48-year-old remains stable, further surgical intervention won’t be needed immediately, it was decided.
Shetty is set to arrive in Kolkata and will examine Ganguly.
Earlier, Ganguly suffered a ‘mild heart attack’ soon after a workout session at the gymnasium of his Behala residence last week. He was rushed to Woodlands Hospital in Alipore where he underwent an emergency angioplasty. A stent was implanted in one of his blocked arteries. According to a five-member medical board formed for his treatment, Ganguly is stable and will remain under observation for the next 48 hours. He will not require any further surgical intervention, according to hospital authorities. The hospitalisation, though, has come as a surprise to fans and observers, considering Ganguly is just 48 years old and has been a super-fit sportsman.
Chief minister Mamata Banerjee, who called on Ganguly, said, “It’s difficult to accept that such a young and fit sportsperson like him could have a condition like this. Sourav is now relieved of his chest discomfiture. He is doing well now and I wish him a speedy recovery. Doctors have done a good job,” said Mamata.
“Sourav Ganguly felt dizzy after a gym session and consulted his family physician who advised hospitalization,” cardiologist Aftab Khan, a member of the medical board, said. “He reached the hospital within the golden hour, which helped us begin treatment on time. Preliminary investigations indicated a cardiac condition and an angiography was done. It revealed three blockages, including a 90% block in one of the arteries. An angioplasty was done to remove it and a stent has been implanted.”
Ganguly has ‘triple vessel disease’ which is triggered when the major arteries are choked by plaque.
He also has a family history of ischemic heart disease. His father Chandidas Ganguly passed away in 2013 at the age of 75 after a heart attack. The ex-cricketer has responded well to the treatment and procedure, said hospital sources. Governor Jagdeep Dhankar visited the hospital and expressed relief after meeting a “smiling Ganguly”. Past and present cricketers, including Tendulkar and Virender Sehwag, took to Twitter to wish the former skipper a speedy recovery.