Wicket-keeper batsman MS Dhoni received a heroes welcome as he arrived in Chennai to prepare for the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL). Dhoni will start practising for the upcoming edition of the IPL from March 3-4, Chennai Super Kings' CEO Kashi Vishwanathan had said last week. The CEO said that the training camp of CSK will commence only after March 19. IPL 2020 will commence from March 29 and in the first match of the tournament, Chennai Super Kings will take on Mumbai Indians.
Thirty-eight-year-old Dhoni is currently enjoying some time away from the game. He last played competitive cricket during the 2019 World Cup. Dhoni had to face criticism for his slow batting approach during India's matches in the tournament, especially in the games against England and New Zealand (semi-final). He had to bear the brunt of netizens, who deemed him as the reason for the Men in Blue's loss.
Earlier this year, Dhoni did not find a place for himself in the BCCI's centrally contracted players list. BCCI had released the list of central contract list of players for the period from October 2019 to September 2020.