Bangladesh cricketer Arafat Sunny was arrested by police for allegedly breaching the country's strict internet laws following a complaint by his girl friend. Arafat's girlfriend had accused him of uploading sensitive photos of her on social media and had filed a complaint two weeks ago, local police chief Jamaluddin Mir said. He was subsequently arrested from his home in the Dhaka suburb. "She said Sunny opened up a fake Facebook account of hers and posted their personal photos, which she found offensive and defamatory." "We have arrested him and sent him to the court, seeking to take him into custody for five days for questioning." If found guilty Sunny could face up to 14 years in jail or a fine of 10 million taka (USD 126,340) under the controversial law, which local right groups say is being used to crack down on dissent. There was no immediate comment from the cricketer. "It seems to be a personal matter. We don't want to comment now," Bangladesh Cricket Board chief executive Nizamuddin Chowdhury said.