The Committee of Administrators (CoA) which met in New Delhi has decided to send a letter to the International Cricket Council but only raising concerns about the security of the players at the 2019 World Cup. After an hour long meeting over the letter to be sent to ICC, CoA chairman Vinod Rai said, "We have mentioned in the letter about our concerns after the Pulwama terrorist attack. We have told them clearly that security of the players, match officials and fans coming from India should be appropriately taken care of at the 2019 World Cup."
The above was written in a letter by BCCI CEO Rahul Johri to ICC chairman Shashank Manohar. The CoA, however, gave no indication that India will pull out of the June 16 World Cup clash against Pakistan in Manchester. "That game is still 3 months away. We will take a call on that match at a later date in consultation with the government," Rai said.
The meeting was attended by new CoA member Lt Gen Ravi Thodge as well, who attended the meeting via video conference. "We have also communicated to the ICC that in future ICC members should not engage in ties with nations from where terrorism emanates," the CoA chairman said. The CoA also decided that there will be no opening ceremony for the 12th edition of IPL next month.
No IPL opening ceremony this year
"There will be no IPL opening ceremony this year. The money allocated for the opening ceremony will be given to families of Pulwama martyrs," CoA member Diana Edulji said. On regulating workload of Team India players at the IPL, Edulji said, "There was no discussion on that. We have already decided in Hyderabad meeting with the team members that we can't regulate the workload, it's up to the franchises.