In the last two years, at least three Test matches featuring India have been fixed, claims a a sting operation by Al Jazeera’s investigative unit. The Doha-based TV channel shows how a Mumbai-based former Indian cricketer, an Indian advertisement executive based in the UAE and members of the D-Company use their ‘connections’ in the cricket establishment and even in the International Cricket Council (ICC) to decide on the outcome of matches.
The sting operation done by journalist David Harrison suggests how match fixers bribe curators, current and former cricketers to fix the outcome of sessions or an entire match. In the eye of the storm are Pakistan’s Hasan Raza (youngest to play a Test match) and three Sri Lankan internationals – Dilhara Lokuhettige, Jeevantha Kulatunga and Tharindu Mendis – who are seen heavily involved in either spot-fixing or doctoring the pitch to force a result within a specific number of days.
Also in the spotlight is Tharanga Indika, the curator of Galle Stadium who admits to doctoring pitches. It was under his supervision that Australia lost a Test is less than two-and-a-half days in August 2016 and India amassed 600 in their first innings in July 2017. Both ‘events’ were as ‘scripted by match-fixers’, the documentary suggests.
The India versus England Test played in Chennai (December 16-20), the India versus Australia Test in Ranchi (March 16-20, 2017) and the Galle Test between India and Sri Lanka (July 26-29, 2017) were influenced by bookmakers, says the documentary. Investigations suggest that at least two Australian cricketers were involved in Ranchi and three Englishmen fixed sessions in Chennai. While the England players have denied these charges, the Australians have not reacted at all.
A wary ICC started an investigation into the allegations. “We have already launched an investigation working with anti-corruption colleagues from member countries based on the limited information we have received. We have made repeated requests that all evidence and supporting materials relating to corruption in cricket is released immediately to enable us to undertake a full and comprehensive investigation,” the ICC said.
The documentary highlights how match-fixers have found subtle ways to fix sessions and pitches. It also shows the ease and confidence with which the chain of operators works. “Each script I will give you, will happen, happen and happen,” Aneel Munawar, a member of the D-Company tells Harrison, who poses as a businessman and meets the notorious stake holders during various stages of the operation mostly shot in Mumbai, the UAE and Sri Lanka.
Former Pakistan cricketer Hasan Raza and former Indian first class cricketer Robin Morris are among those alleged to have been involved in the match-fixing syndicate. Robin Morris, who once played in the controversial Indian Cricket League, boasts about his ability to fix players and curators. When asked for a reaction and his alleged involvement in match-fixing, Morris said, “I have been fabricated in this; there is no truth in this and I have nothing to do with the Galle Test.”
The documentary suggests the involvement of cricket officials and high-profile businessmen, who invest to grab ‘big’ returns. Munawar says the D-Company pays anything between £200,000 to £600,000 to fix a game, depending on the profile of the team.
In the centre of the pitch fixing menace is Tharanga Indika, the assistant manager and curator of Galle Stadium. He confesses that he can doctor pitches easily and reveals how a pitch can be prepared to help bowlers or batsmen.
Fixing England-Sri Lanka match
A plot to fix a forthcoming England cricket match has also been exposed. Match fixers have been caught discussing plans to rig England's first test on their tour to Sri Lanka scheduled to begin November 6.
'Outrageous, is all I can say'
Cricket Australia chief executive James Sutherland said he had seen no "credible evidence" linking Australian players to corruption, but also said Al Jazeera should share its footage with the ICC. A spokesman for the Board of Control for Cricket in India said: "The BCCI anti-corruption unit is working closely with the ICC anti-corruption on the alleged claims by a television channel." England captain Joe Root said, "it is outrageous that our players have been accused", adding: "All the players have been briefed by the ECB (England and Wales Cricket Board), and been told there's absolutely nothing to worry about." Despite the England and Wales Cricket Board describing the allegations as 'categorically false” three England players will be interviewed by anti-corruption detectives. The names of the England players have been edited out.