Three Hong Kong players who played against India in the Asia Cup last month, have been charged under ICC Anti- Corruption Code for their alleged involvement in match-fixing in 2014. Three players - Haseeb Amjad and brothers Nadeem and Irfan Ahmed - have been charged under multiple sections of the ACU code. All the three player are of Pakistani origin. The notable name is left arm spinner Nadeem, who bowled 10 wicketless overs for 39 runs during the Asia Cup game against India on September 18. Irfan and Haseeb last played for their country in 2014 and 2016 respectively. The 28-year-old Irfan has nine specific charges against him for his involvement in fixing games. He is already under suspension from ICC since April 2016. Nadeem and Haseeb have been charged under five sections of ICC Code.