NHS Crisis Deepens

Tuesday 22nd August 2017 19:16 EDT

The situation in NHS is worsening in view of the uncertainty created by hard Brexit. NHS doctors, nurses and workers from European Union are deserting and going back home. They have not been given assurances by the British Government to them want to stay back. This is very disturbing situation.

Stephen Hawking, the renowned 75-year-old physicist was speaking to promote an address he gave last Saturday. He outlined how he owed his long life and achievements to the NHS care he received, and setting out his fears for a service he believes is being turned into “a US-style insurance system”. He said the NHS saved me. As a scientist, I must help to save it. He wrote ‘ The crisis in the health service has been created by politicians who want to privatise it – when public opinion points the other way.

The author of A Brief History of Time did not name any minister or political party in his general complaint, but he blamed a raft of policies pursued since 2010 by the coalition and then the Conservatives for enfeebling the NHS and leaving it unable to cope with the demands being placed on it.

“The crisis in the NHS has been caused by political decisions,” he said. “The political decisions include underfunding and cuts, privatising services, the public sector pay cap, the new contract imposed on the junior doctors and removal of the student nurses’ bursary. “Failures in the system of privatised social care for disabled and elderly people has also placed additional burden on the NHS.”

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has replied that Stephen Hawking is wrong Is he? I doubt it. In fact the NHS with the current government policies is heading towards a two tier health system contrary to the principles of the foundation of the NHS. It time for the Labour Party and other opposition parties to speak out loudly and forcefully against any tampering with the NHS otherwise it will be too late to save it.

Baldev Sharma

Rayners Lane, Harrow

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