Islamaphobia, real or imaginary

Monday 17th November 2014 19:23 EST

Some may be extremely religious but they are as law abiding, highly educated and professional, productive citizens as we the Hindus, Sikhs, Jews and Jains are. Lord Gulam Noon and Ex MEP Bashir Khanbhai are the shining examples I personally know.

So reading “Interview with Shahnaz Husain” seen receiving Golden Peacock Award from Home Secretary Theresa May in last week’s AV was a pleasant surprise. Shahnaz’s assertion that “I am Indian first and Muslim much afterwards and with Modi at the helm, we are safe” was extremely assiduous, assimilating sentiments all Indians, irrespective of their religious, cultural or ethnic orientation should install in their children. She could prove a valuable Brand Ambassador for Modiji, as Amitabh was for Gujarat under CM Modi, spreading Modi’s brand of egalitarianism.

If Modi survives, be at the helm for two terms, India will be different nation, medical tourist hot-spot, especially for complementary medicine, competing with China on world stage, leading space race. Perhaps, after all 21st Century will belong to India!
Bhupendra M Gandhi
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