Image of religion

Monday 13th October 2014 16:32 EDT

These power struggles are fuelled by vested interests. They sermonize peace but supply arms and ammunition to hostile adversaries. False facade of religion is an excuse to hide evil motives of war mongers and perpetuate tension.
Turmoil is alter ego of altruistic humanity. Therefore one must never associate religion with uncontrollable energies and vices that drive human beings.
But ultimate image of any religion depends on implementation by the followers. Islam may be teaching compassion but followers practice rampant violence.  Christians have balanced violence by precept of eye for eye etc, and non violence by precept of love thy enemy, compassion and forgiveness!
Hindus/Jains/Budhhists, have realised that violence begets violence in a vicious unending circle. So they have built a brick wall of non violence, tolerance and equal respect to non Hindu religions. Therefore, violence by volatile Hindustani and Pakistani/Bangladeshi Muslims is smashed to smithereens by this brick wall.
God being 100% compassionate will not allow humans to self destruct.
Ramesh Jhalla

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