Your Body has the Answers

Psychologist Mamta Saha Wednesday 08th May 2024 06:40 EDT

Dear Readers,
Somatic psychology is the study of accessing the wisdom our body holds rather than relying on our mind . Many of my clients come to me as a somatic coach with a shared experience: feeling like they have more to offer than they're showing. Traumatic experiences can often linger in the body, manifesting as physical symptoms or emotional distress. But how can we address this hidden trauma and find pathways to healing? Let's explore the transformative power of somatic psychology together.

Start by Listening to Your Body: Imagine your body as a wise companion, holding valuable insights into your past experiences. Take a moment to tune in to bodily sensations, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. These physical cues may be signalling unresolved trauma that is yearning to be acknowledged. By developing a deeper awareness of your body's language, you can begin to unravel the layers of stored trauma and pave the way for healing.

Focus on Embodied Practices: Somatic psychology emphasises the importance of embodied practices in healing trauma. These may include mindfulness, breathwork, or gentle movement exercises. By engaging in these practices, you can create a sense of safety and grounding within your body, allowing suppressed emotions to surface and release. One client I worked with found relief from chronic anxiety through simple somatic exercises, enabling them to reclaim a sense of calm and empowerment in their daily life.

Explore Body-Centred Therapies: Traditional talk therapy may not always address the somatic aspects of trauma effectively. That's where body-centred therapies, such as somatic experiencing, come into play. These approaches provide a safe space for exploring and processing trauma stored in the body, without the need to rely solely on verbal communication. Through gentle guidance individuals can gradually release tension and restore equilibrium to their nervous system.

A psychological study shows the effectiveness of somatic therapy in reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among survivors of childhood trauma. The results highlighted the great impact of somatic interventions in restoring a sense of safety and empowerment to trauma survivors, paving the way for lasting healing and resilience.

By embracing somatic psychology, individuals in our Asian community can find culturally sensitive pathways to healing that honour the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. This holistic approach offers a gentle yet powerful way to address trauma stored in the body, paving the way for profound transformation and healing. As we continue to prioritise mental health and well-being, let's remember to listen to our bodies and honour the wisdom they hold on our journey towards healing and wholeness.
For the month of May I'm offering a pay what you can coaching session, that will incorporate somatic work. Reach out today to book your session [email protected]. Don’t forget to download your free E- Book at

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