Why Sunak will win

Subhash V Thakrar Wednesday 08th May 2024 07:41 EDT

With opinion polls suggesting a Tory washout and media highlighting doubts about the success of Rishi Sunak as our Prime Minister, it is hard to remove these doubts and see what Sunak is all about. We have to keep polishing these doubts to come up with a real diamond amongst us. 

If you have met and interacted with Rishi Sunak you will appreciate how sincere, honest and hardworking he really is. He is a genuine individual and that is a lot to say for a political leader. With Rishi, you get what you see and hear. I still recall the sincerity in how he responded to questions and in meeting people when he visited our home to meet members of the Hertfordshire Conservatives.

Being a practising  Hindu, Rishi Sunak has those unique Hindu values in a leader that sets him apart from others. This brings a bundle of values including hard work, the objective to benefit the country and society and performing all tasks without any personal gain. The Hindu philosophy is to perform your tasks with excellence and leave the fruits upon the almighty. When you unpack excellence, it means hard work, honesty, in the best interest of society and no personal gain. I am confident that these great values will emerge in the minds of voters as the time of the general election nears.

Rishi took on the assignment after the disastrous performance of his predecessor leaving the economy in doldrums full of doom and gloom. He also had just over a year to perform. And look at what he has done with the economy. It is now growing albeit slowly and by the time we reach the elections, we can hope to see at least two interest rate drops and an outlook of further drops over time. This is bound to play in the voter’s mind as we move closer to the polls.

Can you imagine negotiating and convincing your former boss and former prime minister to agree to work for you and report to you? And that is exactly what Sunak has managed to do with David Cameron. Today, the former PM and now Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron is noticeably putting forward Britain amongst the highest levels in the world. This is no mean achievement and shows the strength of the Sunak leadership.

Yes, the Rwanda law has had some setbacks but is it not a fantastic idea to scare those illegal economic migrants who try to enter the UK on false pretences?  Yes, those labour peers who can only see damage to human rights, find this difficult but their task is to find holes in the legislation rather than provide solutions. So far no one, including Kier Stammer, is offering any solutions to the real problems of illegal immigration to the UK. It is Rishi Sunak who is willing to take this bold step despite the hurdles thrown at him. This takes real guts and perseverance. 

There is no stopping Rishi with new and imaginative ideas. Against a lot of criticism of the nanny state, and lack of freedom, Rishi has taken the baton of genuinely improving the lives of future generations by banning the sale of cigarettes to children with increasing age. I have grandchildren and I cannot think of a better way to eradicate smoking as these children come of age and take the place of the next generation. The damage to health and costs on the NHS brought by smoking is enormous and why should we not work to eradicate both these? Only the politically weak would give up on this. This highlights Rishi’s strengths and commitment to improving our society.

Just now he has taken the initiative that past leaders would not dream of. The long-term sickness and the increasing in-active working population cannot be left unattended. Economic inactivity must lead to depression.  How can you have a zest to live when you are doing nothing? If this issue is dealt with effectively, we will see benefits in economic growth, productivity and lower NHS costs in time to come.   

In Sunak, we have genuine, hard work and a real objective to improve our nation. Many of his qualities will emerge as we get closure to the elections. Ultimately, we cannot fool the British people. They will vote for what is right and Sunak is showing just that.

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