Introspection: The paradox of information age

Rohit Vadhwana Thursday 05th September 2024 00:27 EDT

We are living in a hyper-information age, yet we are the most ignorant generation that has ever lived in this world. This might sound paradoxical, but it is becoming more and more true every day. The unfortunate thing for our forefathers was the limitation of means to acquire information, but for us, that problem doesn't exist at all. Our dilemma is that we don't want to know the truth behind all the facades shown to us. In fact, sometimes we are so content with the shine, wine, and dine present in our lifestyle that we don't question the layer of truth underneath it. People, corporations, and governments are busy creating layers of misinformation for common men who don't dare to know the truth behind them, fearing they would lose their comfort. They don't dare to ask questions but instead accept their situation.

Immanuel Kant, a philosopher, said "Sapere Aude," which means "Dare to know." This Sapere Aude is the need of our time. While there is enough to inquire about, it's daring that we are lacking. But without knowing the truth of the society we live in, of the time we are in, our rationality and decision-making will remain impaired. Being afraid of the dark side of truth is no justification for not making efforts to know. The fear of losing the beautiful facade in no way justifies our ostrich-like behavior; burying our heads in the sand will not avoid the real danger.

However, once you dare to know and adapt to Sapere Aude, it is not necessary that you will face the dark side. Truth is not always bitter; it may be beautiful as well. But not trying to know the truth is never an option for a person who wants to live rationally. Our ethics and standards should be based on truth, not facades. Reality should guide us to make our own judgments. Decisions should be based on bold truths, whether in society, politics, personal, or professional life. Sapere Aude will make life better, more rational, and ethical. It will provide much-needed transparency in our daily lives and the confidence of knowing the truth, rather than the fear of burying our heads in the sand.

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