How can you be happy despite problems

Rohit Vadhwana Wednesday 02nd October 2024 05:11 EDT

The absence of difficulties may be a good reason to be happy for anyone, but we need to learn the art of being happy *despite* challenges. If you have a toothache, your full attention remains on that tingling pain causing discomfort. Although the rest of your body is healthy and you have no trouble in any other part, the toothache still has the power to make you unhappy. Similarly, if we face a minor issue in life, even when everything else is going smoothly, we tend to feel unhappy. So, how can we learn to disregard such setbacks and remain content in all circumstances?
Human nature is to guard against adversities, which leads us to anticipate potential obstacles that may arise in the future. This foresight can cause worry, robbing us of present happiness. Similarly, logical thinking tells us not to overlook small concerns so they don’t escalate. Again, this focus on challenges often takes precedence over peace. However, this is not inherent in human nature but is acquired through upbringing. Look at a child who has just fallen and injured himself. In a few minutes, the child will forget the pain and start playing happily again. Why can’t an adult do the same? During our upbringing, we develop the habit of dwelling on difficulties, which makes it hard to be happy when even the smallest issue exists.
How can we develop that child-like attitude of remaining happy despite life's ups and downs? It is not easy to undo the conditioning we've received so far, but a conscious effort can help divert us from that unfortunate mindset. The trick is to ask ourselves a few key questions whenever we feel unhappy. The first question is: *What is the issue?* Which aspect of your life is being affected by this situation? What other areas of your life are *not* impacted? How can you separate the issue from those unaffected areas and remain happy while addressing the concern at the appropriate time and in a reasonable context? You may not have clear-cut answers to all of these questions, but just by asking them and reminding yourself to stay happy despite difficulties, you can plant seeds of happiness in your mind for the moment. Over time, this practice will become a habit, and you won’t let a setback overshadow your entire life. Ultimately, you will learn to be happy despite the hurdles.

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