Talal Karim

Thursday 02nd November 2017 06:38 EDT

Talal Karim was born in Dhaka Bangladesh and came to Britain in 1971. After doing his A levels at Kilburn Polytechnic, he did his degree at Warwick University and studied Politics and International Studies. He was a Labour and Cooperative Councillor in Islington for 20 years and was Deputy Leader and Chair of Regeneration. He was involved with CLES and Labour Party's City 2020 Commission. He is considered to be a close associate of Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn.

1) Which place or city or country do you feel most at home in? Finsbury Park,North London

2) What are your proudest achievements - 1) To save the Queen's Crescent Market Gospel Oak from being closed when I took over as the Business Development Regeneration Officer, Camden Council and 2) taking the lead initiative as a Cooperative councillor in setting up Islington's first Credit Union scheme.

3) What inspires you? Talking to ordinary people at local Cafes and sharing ideas and thoughts on how to make this world a better place than it is now.

4) What has been the biggest obstacle in your career - not being able to complete the professional examinations. I had set out to become a Solicitor after my first degree.But no regrets....

5) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date? My late Uncle Jafar Kareem, who persuaded me to get involved in the Labour Party during the miners strike 1974

6) What is the best aspect about your current role? Working closely with local businesses and community groups to influence the local Councils on issues that matter to them most

7) And the worst? Bureaucratic red tape

8) What are your long term goals? Living in an area where there is community cohesion with people of all backgrounds and culture in harmony, ensuring lasting change for the better and not at the expense of local community being driven out as a result of regeneration.

9) If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change? Change the taxation system. It is too biased to help the wealthiest.

10) If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why? Nelson Mandela. He sacrificed his entire life to challenge oppression and discrimination. Without his charismatic and inspiring leadership, apartheid would not have ended in South Africa. If he was still around,he would have sorted out Trump and Kim Jong-un.

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