Terry Singh, is a professional Football coach, community youth worker and truly a ‘local hero from Leicester’, who has contributed to spreading football in South Asia. Included in the Top 100 Movers and Shakers in Football by Goal Magazine, Terry today is a UEFA-B Qualified Coach and an FA Community Champion for his constant efforts in encouraging football in South Asia.
Selected for the prestigious Leicester City Football Community Scheme in 1992 (exact name to be verified), Terry became the first foreign coach in China to work on the grassroots with young students at the Beijing Sports University. After his commendable work in China as a gatekeeper for the sport, who opened up doors and spearheaded footballing opportunities for the Asian community, Terry today is a community worker, professional coach and talent scout, who is working to ensure representation in this great sport.
1) Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in?
I was born and raised Leicester my home city is famous for its diversity, multicultural and multi faith creating a unique destination.
2) What are your proudest achievements?
There are so many being invited to China on a pioneering football program and being the first foreigner soccer coach to teach in middle school.
3) What inspires you?
Desire to find out how good I am. How far I become. Through my work I have travelled the world you never stop learning.
4) What has been biggest obstacle in your career?
Having an identity, do I belong here will I be accepted in the early years, there were many barriers through time and experience I become more confident with myself.
5) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date?
My foundations in football started 30 years ago I still remember My coach's words if you want to change the Narrative do it with actions.
6) What is the best aspect about your current role?
Having a sense of purpose making a difference being able to make a change in People's life through education and sports and forge links with communities.
7) And the worst?
I have many setbacks and challenges start of my journey not being appreciated broke a few glass ceilings Through resilience and determination stayed focused even in the face of adversity.
8) What are your long-term goals?
Write a book about my experiences travelling and teaching around the world learning from cultures Be part of leadership board that Directs equality diversity and inclusion.
9) If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change?
More funding in education and create more youth centres for young People I believe education is for life education is the fundamental right for everyone it is essential for personal growth social development and economic prospects I believe investing in education we can build future generations will have knowledge and skills to succeed in life.
10) If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why?
Martin Luther King Civil Rights Leader Noble price winner. He was an activist.