One to One: Kanti Chudasama

Keith Vaz Wednesday 27th October 2021 04:58 EDT

Kanti Chudasama was born in small village in Gujarat India. He came to Tanzania a British colony at the age of 5 with his parents in 1949. He was educated there and then worked as a civil servant.  Due to his father’s sudden death, he established his own business. However due to the country’s political situation he had to leave the country.  

He came to London in 1973 without any money along with his wife and two baby girls. After a short stay in London, he settled in Leicester with the help of his family and friends, he found accommodation and a job at that time there was no government handouts. Finally, he got a job in the largest computer company Unisys and progressed to the position of Business Manager based in Birmingham where he travelled on a daily basis. 


As he had been a passionate community voluntary worker, he became the President of Jansari Mandal. He has been the Vice President of the Gujarat Hindu Association for 15 years he is also the Vice president of Leicester Hindu Festival Council.





Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in?    

I worked in London in a Job Centre as a front-line clerical officer. I moved to Leicester and worked in the Engineering Firm British United as a machine operator. Then I worked as storekeeper in a shoe factory. Then finally I worked for 25 years in a largest American computer Unisys as Business Manager. At age of 65 I retired. I am 79 years old and fully enjoy the leisure activities.   



 What are your proudest achievements?   


I am proud of the achievements that I achieved due to my hard work and experience when I got recognised for meeting the revenue target of 100 million in a year.   

What inspires you?   


To remain focused, to achieve your goals and be ambitious, have the vision, be true and don't give up till your aspirations are fulfilled.   

 What has been biggest obstacle in your career?   


Setbacks are part of life don't deter, fight on, motivate yourself don't let negative thoughts rule your mind when people let you down.  

Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date?   


Take example from people who do not have roof over their head, who don't have work to go to, who struggle to give one meal a day. Mahatma Gandhi led the freedom movement to fight the mighty British empire without army showed the world how non-violence can achieve victory.  


 What is the best aspect about your current role?   


Always be true to your cause no matter how many times you fall. Be resilient don't worry of criticism. Helping in making people lives better and then when you see the smile on people's face whom you have helped makes you proud.   


 And the worst?  


Many times, it's your own people whom you trust most lets you down because of jealousy, backstabbing really hearts and also, they pass on rumours to undermine your position.   



 What are your long-term goals?   


I wish to spend my retirement spare time firstly to keep myself healthy and fit. Do outdoor activities reading and helping charitable organisations in their work and pass my experience in organisation ingenious events. Visit patients in hospital who would like assistance in translation from English to Gujarati.  


  If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change?   


If I have to head this country, I will strive to build a fairer society equal opportunity for all. By providing good education health and housing.   

Make no one go hungry. Cut down bureaucracy, easy access to justice  

Catch tax adjurers, change law of tax heavens.  


If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why?  


Would spend time with Nelson Mandela. His lifestyle is so inspiring. Though born in rich family he became the hero of millions of countrymen. He led the freedom movement against the most brutal apartheid moment. He went to prison for most of his life.  Yet when he came out and became the President of the country, he taught lessons of reconciling and forgiveness. He thought of millions of his countryman how to give them better living standard and build new South Africa.   

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