One to One: Fizza Askari, Teacher

Keith Vaz Wednesday 25th August 2021 07:51 EDT
Fizza Askari was born in Pakistan but grew up in Burundi previously known as Congo Belge which was French colony. She has attained a European education. At the age of 17, she came to the UK with her family and attended college in London she went to Lycee Francaise in Kensington, London.  

After completing her O Levels, Fizza moved to Leicester after she got married and have 3 children.  

When her youngest was 7 years old, she enrolled herself on a TA course and worked hard to obtain qualification of a Level 3 TA Diploma.  

Fizza Askari was born in Pakistan but grew up in Burundi previously known as Congo Belge which was French colony. She has attained a European education. At the age of 17, she came to the UK with her family and attended college in London she went to Lycee Francaise in Kensington, London.  

After completing her O Levels, Fizza moved to Leicester after she got married and have 3 children.  

When her youngest was 7 years old, she enrolled herself on a TA course and worked hard to obtain qualification of a Level 3 TA Diploma.  


1. Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in?   


For me personally Burundi and London are home.  

2. What are your proudest achievements?   


There are many moments in my life where I have felt proud. When I became a mother, that was the most specialist moment of my life. When my eldest son and daughter graduated, when my son got married and I became a grandmother. When I qualified as a TA.  


3. What inspires you?   

People who are willing to sacrifice their wellbeing for justice, humanitarian. I observe people. One can always learn something from everybody it can be human as well as animals. For example, a small ant carrying a grain of sugar to its nest if there's a stone in its way it will stop & find a way around the stone & carry on. The lesson for us is there's always a way out.  


4. What has been biggest obstacle in your career?   

The biggest obstacle in the begging was race, gender which was followed by religion later on health issue.  


5. Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date?   

 My biggest influence has been my father. Back home he had set up large industries, rice factory, palm oil factory, nail factory, candle factory, big factory, soap factory, match factory, as well as he set up a large show run of Opel, Renault, Isuzu, Suzuki Kawasaki cars and bikes on his own.  


6. What is the best aspect about your current role?   


  Most rewarding aspect of my current role is that I am in a position where I can be of help to others.  


7. And the worst?  

 The worst aspect is when I can't help or when the person doesn't want to accept that you can't perform magic.  

8. What are your long-term goals?   

My long term goals are 1) to be able to help/guide everyone. 2) to provide free education for all (third world). 3) provide free shelters for genuine homeless as well as kitchen serving food 3x a day at least. 4) open workshops for both girls and boys where they can come freely to talk learn new skills.  

9. If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change?   


 If I were prime minister first thing, I would do would be tax people according to their income by making sure to remove loopholes   Cut down on unnecessary expenses, invests in my country first, improve the NHS cut down salary or make the consultants work for what they get paid, improve education system, definitely scrap university fees for UK citizen.  


10. If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why?  


If I was marooned on a desert island, I would like to spend my time there with Ayatollah Khomeini. I have always been fascinated by him. He single handed toppled the Shah of Iran. I do know that he's revelation is inspired by the Events of Karbala and Imam Hussain as. The other person would be Gandhi as he did the same.  

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