Cllr Sachin Shah

Tuesday 24th May 2016 06:09 EDT

Cllr Sachin Shah – Leader of Harrow Council. Sachin has lived in Harrow all of his life. Born in the local hospital, he attended local schools in South Harrow and after studying economics at Bath University, Sachin returned to Harrow where he has lived ever since. From being a governor at the schools he went to as a child to becoming a local ward Councillor in 2010, he has dedicated his life to improving the Borough and supporting those most in need.

After writing the manifesto for the Labour Group in the successful 2014 local elections, Sachin in his role as Portfolio Holder for Finance has continued to develop policies that promote local businesses and regeneration, whilst protecting families and the most vulnerable from the massive Government cuts imposed on Harrow Council.

In his professional life Sachin has worked for a wide range of charities, including Parkinson’s UK, the Children’s Society and TraidCraft, as well as campaigning on issues relating to the impacts of debt on children and working on ways to lift children out of poverty.  

1) What is your current position?

Leader of Harrow Council. The council is a big organisation. We are responsible for things from looking after elderly people to cutting the grass in parks. As leader of the Council, my role is to set the strategy and direction of the Council.

2) What are your proudest achievements?

Being elected as a councillor. No matter what else I’ve achieved in the Council, being elected to serve a borough that I grew up in is an honour. Those that live in the Queensbury Ward in Harrow have put their trust in me to serve them well and that is what I will do.

3) What inspires you?

The desire to do a good job. There is nothing in life where you can please everyone, but you can aim to do the best you can. If at the end of the day I can say ‘Yes, I’ve have done something good today’ then I’m inspired to wake up the next morning.

4) What has been the biggest obstacle in your career?

Fear of getting things wrong. It’s natural in life that you always want to do the right thing. Sometimes I have held back because I didn’t want to get things wrong. One thing I have learn recently is you have to do what you think is right, even if you might do something wrong.

5) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date?

My parents. Community service has been drummed into me at a very young age. I have very early memories of stuffing envelopes for a community newsletter and helping my mum and dad who have served on community groups all my life. Without their guidance, I would not be where I am today.

6) What is the best aspect about your current role?

Knowing that in one day, I have more opportunities to improve the lives of residents, than most people will have in their lifetime. This is a big responsibility, but it is an even bigger privilege. I will use this role to make sure that those who cannot stand up for themselves are heard.

7) And the worst?

Having to deal with government cut backs to the budget. There are so many things I want to achieve, but this requires money. With councils losing as much as half of their funding, it makes doing anything really hard.

8) What are your long term goals?

I want Harrow council to become more focused on a single aim. That aim is to deal with inequality in all its forms across Harrow. At the end of my time as leader, if I can say that Harrow Council has used its powers to deal with inequality, I will be really proud.

9) If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change?

The circumstances you were born into will have a greater impact on your life than your ability. A child born into poverty is many times more likely to die in poverty than a child born into a rich family. I believe your life chances should be based on the effort you put in, not the background of your parents.

10) If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why?

Albert Einstein. He would probably be able to find a way off the island! He is someone who worked hard and has achieved so much. We understand so much of how the world works because of him. And he did all of that, not for money, but for the greater good.

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