Desecration of a Gurdwara ?

News broke this week that another Gurdwara might have been desecrated by extremists.

Jammu and Kashmir in UK Parliament

On Monday 18th September the APPG for Indo-Pacific met to discuss issues related to Jammu and Kashmir. On the same day PM Modi inaugurated the special parliamentary session in the old Sansad whichthen moved to the new Bharat Sansad Bhavan on...

News coming to me suggests that ‘Hindus for Labour’, a new entity led by Dr Neeraj Patil are planning to hold a gathering on 29th September during the Labour Party Annual Conference in Brighton.  The aim it seems is to inform the hierarchy about...

Gods own country, Bharat, prevails regardless of the thousands of attacks it has had to endure over thousands of years. The people of Bharat never equated the acquisition of land mass to define their success or their superiority. This is a nation...

 Gods own country, Bharat, prevails regardless of the thousands of attacks it has had to endure over thousands of years. The people of Bharat never equated the acquisition of land mass to define their success or their superiority. This is a...

I suspect many of you will be surprised with the headline. However, do bear with me, and do read in between the lines to appreciate the full message. I know my observations will be questioned, but be assured, time will show them to be correct.

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