Wednesday 02nd October 2024 07:11 EDT

The world has allowed terrorists, in all their shades of evil ideology, to get away with their madness for far too long.  The conventional wisdom (I say that under advisement) has been that if terrorists organise themselves as non-state actors in foreign nations, then you should not attack them for threat of a wider war.

 Israel has shown that in the 21st C there is only one way to treat these terrorists. Destroy them wherever they may be hiding. Any nation that harbours any terrorist group confirms that they indeed are also a terrorist state. The time has come for the world to eradicate this menace of spineless cowards in search of 72 virgins who are armed to their teeth with lethal weaponry.

 I stood up and applauded the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) when news came through that the Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh was killed.  I did somersaults (OK a bit farfetched, but I did do somersaults in my mind) when the enemy of humanity, the leader of Lebanese Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah was also sent packing to hell. And at least another twenty high ranking Hezbollah operatives were also despatched to that same hell hole.

 Operation “New Order” conducted by Israeli Air Force carried out a massive airstrike on the headquarters of Hezbollahin the heart of the Dahiyeh district of the Lebanese capital Beirut. Think about it, these terrorist headquarters were built underground beneath residential buildings in the middle of the national capital. When the Lebanese state provide cover and protects their home-grown terror outfits, they lose the right to scream victimhood.  Every Lebanese should get out on the streets and root out these terrorists and all state officials who have turned the nation into a terrorist state. If the people of Lebanon don’t show spine, then they lose the right of protest against Israel.

 The so-calledself-proclaimed hero of the Islamists, the Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei showed his bravado by taking shelter inside an unknown bunker.  Yes folks, this is the might and strength of these Islamist leaders, as soon as the going gets tough, they are the first, with their families, to run for cover.

 Let us also be clear, Hamas and Hezbollah are nothing but Iranian proxies.  Their main task, to target Israel and Jews.Hamas and Hezbollah are not the only two terrorist outfits supported by Iran, there are countless others including Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq (Iraq), Badr Organization (Iraq), Ansar AllahHouthis (Yemen), Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Gaza), Kataib Hezbollah (Iraq), Harakat Hezbollah al Nujaba (Syria), Badr Organization, and many others.Iran’s expenditure in support of these terror groups now exceeds billions of dollars every year.

 Israel has shown all terror groups in the area, if you dare target Israel or any Jew, we will find you and we will wipe you out, no matter where you are hiding.The Hamas Palestinian terrorists thought it was a good idea to attack Israel. Look at Gaza today, beaten to a pulp. Most Hamas leaders killed.  It’s an example of what will happen to Lebanon should they make the same error.

There is a lesson for India in this. Well known terror groups target India on a daily basis. Many are based across the border in Pakistan, Bangladesh as well as further afield in nations like Canada. We know who these terrorists are, we know where they are, yet for reasons beyond my understanding, India allows these terrorists to thrive. Pulwama showed that it is possible to take the fight to the terrorists on their own turf.  Yet we have seen very few examples of such strident action by India.

 People say, we must be careful. Attacking targets in Pakistan could escalate to a full-blown nuclear war. I beg to differ. The American masters who control Pakistan will not allow the nutters to proceed to any type of nuclear warfare. Israel has set a standard for self-defence of a nation. It’s time India proceedsswiftlyfor a total wipeout of as many terrorist training camps in Pakistan as soon as possible. Terrorists do not deserve any mercy. In the past such benevolence shown by India has only resulted in more terrorist attacks with many more Indian deaths.

 Is it time to terrorise the terrorists? If your answer is anything other than a resounding ‘YES’, then I suspect you are the disease that rogue ideologies thrive on.

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