Time to End the Commonwealth?

Kapil Dudakia Thursday 13th March 2025 02:19 EDT

Is it time to end the Commonwealth?  Or at least end it in the way it exists currently?

My position on this has always remained the same, the Commonwealth is nothing more than a control tool for the British using the Royal family to continue their enslavement of previous conquered territories and project its influence.

The Commonwealth comprises of 54 countries across continents. The estimated population ofthose nations collectivelyis about 2.5 billion.

 On the official website of the Royals, it states, ‘After achieving independence, India was the first of a number of countries which decided that, although they wished to become republics, they still wanted to remain within the Commonwealth’.  India’s first act as an independent nation was to beled by its imperial master. Let that sink in!

Currently UK trade with the Commonwealth is mainly with five countries –Australia, Canada, India, Singapore and South Africa; combined these countries accounted for 73% of UK exports to the Commonwealth and 70% of UK imports from the Commonwealth.

We are in global turmoil with previous associations and allegiances being tested to the extreme.  Post 75 years of nations being granted their independence, of nations surviving the fascism of Germany and Hitler, the aftermath of the cold war, and the more recent western indulgence with the "axis of evil" (term first used byPresident George W. Bush Snr): one must question the very paradigm that still dictates the world order.

Whilst India rightfully shouts about its progress on the world stage, let us also be mindful that in the scheme of things, India is still a sideline when it is compared with how far China has developed from the very same standing start some 75 years ago.For your information, the Chinese economy is 5 times bigger than India.  And the American economy is more than 7 times that of India.


China was exempt from western imperial control;this allowed its own heritage to be central to everything it did. It did not get things right at the start, but when it realised that they only way to survive in the world was to ensure dominance not just militarily, but economically as well – and on this it went full steam ahead. We now live in an era when America and Europe together would think twice before taking on China today.


Contrast that with India and its development under the narrative of the ‘Commonwealth’ and the stranglehold of continued western narrative. The leader of 1.3 billion is still beholden to His Majesty the King – and my friends, that is the ugly truth whether you like it or not.


As I put my metaphorical pen to paper, on the TVI hear the news that its Commonwealth Day. It is paraded as an opportunity to celebrate the richness of the Commonwealth. The King is welcomed by representatives of the nations in a manner not too dissimilar to how previous royalty were welcomed by their subjects around the world. I am left wondering, what has changed?  Whilst those physical chains of slavery might not be seen, the remnants of that enslaved mindset are all too visible.


I understand why the smaller nations remain beholden to Royal patronage, but one wonders why on earth India still acts like an enslaved nation. When will India and its leadership have the confidence to step out of the shadow of the British Raj?


I am reminded of the dominance of the MCC and ECB in yesteryears. Can you all remember how the power of these organisations controlled the world of Cricket. When in 1983 India won the world cup, it was still treated like asecond-classnation. Indian cricket was so poor, it could not even look after its team properly. It took Indian cricket (BCCI) a few more decades before it realised its true strength. The power of 1.3 billion behind them was finally realised. Today Indian cricket is many times wealthier than ALL the other cricketing nations put together.Ironically the week in which we celebrate the Indian cricket team winning the champions cup in Dubai, we also see the grotesque parade of power at Westminster Abbey as they ‘celebrate’ the 76th year of the Commonwealth. The King with his smile reminds every one of their place in the scheme of things!


The message to the Indian government, and to PM Modi ji, is very simple. Is it not time that you flex the power of 1.3 billion? The chains of imperial privilege and patronage for the few surely must be abandoned for the welfare of the whole of India. India is decades behind China, is it not time to unleash the genius of the Indian people?  If there is to be a ‘Commonwealth’ – then let it be in the image of free nations led by India. It’s time to end this show of imperial power.

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