Readers of Kapil’s Khichadi will be aware that for more than a decade I have been exposing the plight of white vulnerable girls who wereraped, violently abused and exploited by men of Pakistani heritage. This nation, its politicians, its media and its so-called celeb influencers ALL conspired to blame the victims and exonerate the abusers. Remember, even when they knew who the perpetrators were – they still used the term ‘Asian’ to hide the identity of the real culprits. I asked repeatedly, why did the vast majority of these abuses take place in Labour controlled Councils? Why was it that so many of these abuses took place right under the noses of Labour Mayors? Even more astonishing that many of these abuses took place where the police commissioners were appointed by Labour politicians.
The whistle blower Maggie Oliver (former Detective Constable with the Greater Manchester Police) said that in 2008, Gordon Brown issued a circular to all UK police forces which effectively stated, "do not prosecute these rape gangs, these children are making a lifestyle choice." Guess who the director of public prosecutions was at that time? It was none other than our Prime Minister, Keir Starmer. This is akin to a woman being abused by a man and then being blamed for being in that relationship. Victimising the victims was seen as an easy option. There was no one speaking for them, fighting for them, or protecting them. They were forgotten, ignored and betrayed by all the agencies. And the worst, for this wholesale betrayal, the rape of Britain, the British people elected a Labour government with a massive majority. Madness defined I guess.
Lest readers feel that I am going to let the Tories off the hook, sorry folks, you should know me by now. I will challenge all political parties without any reservation. So, the Tories having been in power for more than a decade, what did they do? The simple answer, nothing. They chose to sideline the issue under every excuse they could find. When strong voices like Priti Patel and Suella Braverman came to office, they were undermined and, in the end, they had to give up their posts. The establishment, led by spineless politicians, hid behind the bureaucratic nonsense of civil servants to save themselves the task of protecting the most vulnerable. They dropped the batten on grooming gangs, on illegal immigrants, on EHRC, on extremist protesters, on hate marchers andother issues and failed to protect the nation.
The rape of this nation took place mostly in Labour controlled councils, and for more than a decade the Tories did nothing. I am heartened to read that the new Tory leader KemiBadenochhas come out demanding a full inquiry. It’s a pity that when the Tories were in power, they didn’t have the commonsense or the intelligence to do the right thing in a timely fashion. I told key people within the Tory party where they were going wrong, and their response was, this is politics, and we know better and have a plan! One thing I have learnt over the past two decades of both a Labour government and then a Tory government, politicians fool themselves if they think they know politics. When politicians and government ignore the masses, their aspirations, their needs, their demand for justice, one should not be too surprised to get a shock at the ballot box. In 2024 Britain voted in a compromised Labour party to power with a massive mandate, primarily because Tories were navel gazing and Reform UK top sliced the right-of-centre vote. Unless those on the right of politics get their act together, don’t be too surprised if the lunatics on the left, those who appease to extremists, terrorists and child abusers, get back in power.
I want to see not only a full-blown public inquiry into the whole grooming gang’sfiasco, but I also want to see leading politicians, public figures, law enforcement personnel, child protection agency personnel and media influencers tried, and if convicted, sent to jail. Do our politicians have the spine or the moral compass to make this happen? The answer regrettably is no.
I wrote previously that Labour councils and some of our leading institutions accepted the corrupt definition of Islamophobia was not only wrong, but also dangerous to the very fabric of this nation. The Labour Party approved this very same Islamophobia definition and regardless of what Ker Starmer says, it remainsan integral part of their party policy.I will let you determine if there is any correlation between this and why under Labour controlled councils so many white girls were abused by men of Pakistani heritage.
The rape of Britain is not just of white vulnerable girls. It is the rape of the very foundations of what makes this nation what it is. It is at our peril we allow this decay in the very fabric of our society to go any further. It’s time to not only stop the haemorrhaging of our nation, but to put it back together, stronger and fitter for the challenges of the 21st Century.