Labour to Open the Flood Gate?

Wednesday 22nd May 2024 06:41 EDT

Labour MP, Sam Tarry (Ilford South)made an astonishing statement in the House of Commons when he said, "Today in Parliament I called for the creation of a Palestinian family visa scheme. This should bring Palestinian refugees to safety in the UK through a new safe and legal route, and reunite families desperate for their loved ones to reach safety".

 I am of course not surprised. Keir Starmer has managed to keep a lid on the real intent of Labour and what they will do when they get into power.  However, there are some MPs in his party who feel emboldened to strike out ignoring the party line, thus exposing the underbelly of lies.

 Let’s just consider what Sam Tarry is saying.  Basically, to create a new category of visa for Palestinians so they can come to the UK in their tens of thousands without any restrictions. Labourhas no verifiable method of conducting any screening to ensure no sympathiser of Hamas gets in. In effect what Labour are willing to do is allowing tens of thousands of terrorists to enter this nation without away of protecting the people of this nation. And it’s just not Sam Tarry, this week we saw some 50 peers and MPs also write and demand the same, and most of them are Labour of course.

 It begs the question, if Labour are willing to create such a category for Palestinians, does that mean they will create similar provision for say, the Uyghurs, Armenians, Sudanese, Nigerians, Rohingya, Ethiopians, Libyans andSyrians?Let that sink in.

Labour has a history of appeasing to extremists. We have often seen that some of these extremists getradicalised to becometerrorists. Labourtends to object to measuresthat might stop illegal migrants. Recently they opposed the Rwanda deal and have since stated that one of their priorities will be to repeal the Rwanda Act.

The message from Labour is very clear, they will come to power not for Brits, but it seems to become the mouthpiece forextremists from around the world. It’s a party of protest, not of governance.

 Fr Calvin Robinson,the former TalkTV/GB News presenter put it nicely when he described Sam Tarry as, ‘The Right Hon Member for Gaza’. I guess we can say that about many on Keir Starmer’s front bench.

 Whilst the rhetoric from Starmer is designed to fool the voters, the facts are he has appointed MPs to his front bench who tend to bat for Pakistani sponsored terrorists, Khalistani terrorists, Islamists, the miscreants parading as Extension Rebellion andthe hate marchers for Palestinian terrorism.

When Prime Minister Sunak said recently that we stand on the crossroads of either moving this nation forward, or in destroying the very fabric by appeasing to the madness of woke politics – he is right. You don’t have to like PM Sunak or have to be a Conservative to know that should Labour get into power we are on the precipice of our own self-destruction.

Already our universities and many of our institutions have become no-go zones for Jews (and increasingly for Hindus also). If the Jewish or the Hindu community want to do a peaceful protect, the police are the first to stop us. But when it comes to these hate marchers disturbing the peace of ordinary citizens every week, the cops just turn a blind eye.

There is now a newly created organisation calling itself the ‘Muslim Vote’that has put forward 18 demands to Keir Starmer in exchange for the Muslim vote. These include, ‘adopt APPG definition of Islamophobia’, ‘ensure sharia compliant pensions are available at every workplace’, ‘oppose BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) bill’, ‘a travel ban on all Israeli politicians that prosecuted the war’, ‘end military ties with Israel’, and ‘Muslims are allowed to pray at school’. You get the gist of where this is all going.

The question I posed was, ‘are Labour ready to open the flood gates, again’? There is only one conclusion, either intentionally or unwittingly, the answer is yes.  The consequences of Labours’ policies, the demands of their MPs, the demands of their members and the demands of the woke fraternity will be so overwhelming that a Labour government will not only open the floodgates, but even more billions of taxpayers’ funds will be used to keep them in five-star hospitality.

I have stated many times before, the tolerance and patience of the ordinary British citizen is now at a breaking point. If Labour gets into power, don’t be too surprised if the new norm is anarchy on our streets. When blood is spilt, it will be red. Not white, black, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jew, or Sikh. When we disenfranchise the majority in the name of diversity, let’s be clear, we sign up for our own destruction.

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