Hat-Trick for Modi

Thursday 06th June 2024 02:36 EDT

4th June 2024, PM Modi continues to make history by scoring a hat-trick of election victories.

The majority that we all felt was possible did not come to be.  Mainly because it seems many voters felt that the BJP were so far ahead that they did not need to go out vote.  There will be some disappointment given expectations were so high.  However, the voter must also do their bit, to turn up and vote. The lesson I am sure everyone will learn that they should never take a result for granted. Every vote counts.  I should also remind everyone that this is a government going for a third successive term. That is never easy and the fact that the BJP are still some 140 seats ahead of INC shows that it has now become a true pan India party.

Do remember, the left across the world used every tactic to undermine PM Modi. Western lobby groups, vested interest groups, even nations and their leadership spent millions of dollars to feed their proxies in India to undermine the nation.  Their objective was simple, to ensure India remained an enslaved nation. And to do that, it had to stop PM Modi at any cost. Therefore, for PM Modi to win a third successive term under these challenging circumstances is nothing short of a miracle. 

In the UK, let’s not forget that the Labour Party under the leadership of Ed Miliband, Jeremy Corbyn and now even Keir Starmer has done everything to undermine India, and the Indic community. They led the way to stop Modi ji by campaigning for a visa ban, they are in bed with Pakistani sponsored extremists who support PoJK, they caress the madness of Khalistanis, they appoint Labour MPs to positions of power who openly express anti-India and even anti-Hindu sentiments. 

In 2019 I wrote and gave seven points that I felt the BJP government should focus on amongst other competing priorities. These were:

  1. Making the availability of clean water to every citizen the prime policy.
  2. Revoking Article 370 and Article 35A immediately. There can only ever be one law under which all citizens are governed.
  3. Defence of the nation with latest technology.
  4. Continue with infrastructure development.
  5. Education: It’s time significant capacity is built in Higher Education that is on par with some of the best universities in the world.
  6. Expedite the conclusion of all outstanding cases of corruption.
  7. National Health Scheme to be embedded and made the rock for the nation.

I am pleased to inform you that PM Modi has made massive strides on all of these and has achieved some of them in their totality.  In my view some of these will rightly continue to be the focus during his third term. 

In addition to this, and of course the day-to-day task of running a nation, of improving the quality of living, better employment prospects, reducing poverty, infrastructure projects, transportation, utilities, safety and security, etc, I feel during the third term PM Modi should accelerate restorative justice by:

  1. Looking at Hindu (Indic) sites that have been destroyed by invaders.
  2. Free Hindu Mandirs from the grip of government entities, ensuring that systems and structures are in place to protect the assets of all mandirs for the welfare of Hindus.
  3. Seek to revoke the Waqf Act and bring back ownership of every asset stolen back to the nation.
  4. Enforce UCC in every state, by mandatory national law.
  5. Introduce the true history of Bharat in the National Curriculum that is mandatory for all state and private schools.


Given that PM Modi does not enjoy a full BJP majority government, it will make it difficult to achieve these goals. However, the pursuit of them should remain a priority since it will show the voters the politics being played by other parties.

The past ten years have shown what can be achieved if there is leadership, vision and a strong belief in the people of Bharat. We have not seen anything like this in the past, and dare I say, it may be a while before we see it again with any other future leader. So a simple message to the people of Bharat, make the most of this unique man, it’s not everyday a nation is blessed with such a leader. 

In 2019 I signed off my article with this quote:

In the words of Swami Vivekananda ji: “Every nation has a message to deliver, a mission to fulfil, a destiny to reach. The mission of India has been to guide humanity”.


Let’s add to that, the words of PM Modi ji:

"We must redefine our heritage in a modern way while embracing ancient values in a modern context"

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