Geopolitical Plates are Moving

Wednesday 17th July 2024 07:42 EDT

There was a time when the Romans felt the sun would never set on their vast empire. We can say the same about the Mongol Empire, Russian Empire, Qing Dynasty, Spanish Empire, French colonial empire, Abbasid Caliphate, Umayyad Caliphate, Yuan dynasty, Xiongnu Empire, and the list does go on. Did you know that the Roman empire only ranks, in terms of land mass controlled, 25th in the list of some of the largest empires of the past.  By now many of you are probably jumping out of your seats shouting, ‘what about the British Empire’? Well, I have not forgotten the British of course.  The British Empire at one time controlled some 26% of the world land mass, it ranked at number one.  Just think about it, a little island nation ofsome 3m people in the year 1500 began their quest to conquer and exploit the world. And it all started during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1.Unlike other empires, the British empire was truly global.


We have seen empires come and go. They leave behind a legacy of death and destruction. A legacy of exploitation. A legacy of looting resources. A legacy of genocide and ethnocide. A history that has hitherto been hidden from their own descendants.


We live in a world that has been created by power brokers. The ‘cabal’ as they are better known in certaincircles. Today the cabal encompasses every major global institution. You name it, and you’ll find its controlled by an element of the so-called cabal. The cabal nations and their power brokers have enjoyed unfettered control over the world since the end of World War 2. They carved up the world to suit their needs, and in a manner that made it easier for them to keep control,but their fingerprints remain hidden.


India represents a nation that since 2014 has begun to challenge the historical global tectonic plates of power. Under PM Modi, India the largest democracy in the world has found its destiny for the 21st century and beyond. What we are witnessing in the world of geopolitics today are the ‘stress’ and ‘shear’ forces of change galvanised by India (China and Russia)shifting the epicentre of this power. The earthquake that is about to hitwill not only shake the very foundations of thisimperial cabal, but it will also reduce many of them to being second class nations.


Those with power and privilege will of course never willingly let go of it. We can see how they have gathered to undermine India and PM Modi. They will spend trillions of dollars to buy out Indians in India, and many of its institutions. They will use every resource possible to give a particular negative narrative about India.  And use social media and global institutions of influence to counter the rise of India.


Therefore, was I surprised when this week the USA and other NATO member states began to peddle an anti-India narrative given PM Modi made a visit to Russia. That hug by PM Modi with President Putin was just too much for the west. They have lost control over Russia and of course China. The only serious and significant counterweight to these two nations would be India.  And India is not playing ball!


When India took the decision to be neutral on Ukraine, the first attacks started. Always led by the USA and followed quickly by their puppet nations. This latest visit by the three-time election winner PM Modito Russia has been a left hook of power play.  This is PM Modi telling western nations, if you dare to undermine India then it has and will reserve its sovereign right to decide what is best for the people of India. The days of the Lutyen cabal in India, pandering to their western paymasters,is well and truly over.


India will not pander to Russia either, as exemplifiedby PM Modi giving President Putin his thoughts on the Ukraine war. Russia has understood that it’s not in its interest to antagonise India. That it is better to work within the limits of political flexibility allowing both parties room to safeguard national interest as well as promote national interest. Under PM Modi the use of the Rupee as a currency for international trading has started. It’s a small step, but a necessary one so that in time,India has options outside of the US controlled dollar.


The geopolitical tectonic plates are indeed moving. And whilst these moves take place, chaos will reign until the white noise of hypocrisy and bigotry is checked by the new world order. How this all plays out is still not so clear.  China is an enigma that needs to be resolved, and so far, neither the west, nor Russia nor India has managed to do that successfully.


What is clear to me is that the future will be more about population size and how productivethey can be, as well as natural resources and who controls them. The empire builders will not relinquish their control willingly, and for those who wish to see in a new era of global equity and enterprise, their fight has just started. We are entering an age of multipolarity.  There is a difference between multipolarity and hypocrisy, and the west needs to understand the difference fast. How the UK positions itself within this new paradigm will determine whether it survives or becomes the dustbin of Europe.

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