Forty Days to Save the Nation

Wednesday 29th May 2024 06:48 EDT

PM Sunak has fired the gun and the race to save the nation is on. On 4th July, a day steeped in history, the great British public will have the right to vote for their next government. The fate of the nation now rests with the people. We have less than 40 days to save this nation. You may well ask, save the nation from what?


Let’s be honest, there are only two political parties that have any chance of forming the next government. The Conservatives or Labour. All other parties are basically white noise in the political arena. At best they might just have enough seats to make a difference in who ends up in government should the election be very close.  Other than that, every vote for these minor parties is a vote wasted.  The headline for every voter is very simple, make a choice. Do you want a Labour or a Conservative government? And then vote for one of them. Don’t be deluded and naïve and waste your vote on other parties.


Talking about voting, consider it as a contract between you and the nation. As a citizen it’s your civic duty and responsibility to vote. Surely on one day every five years you can find the time to go and cast that all important vote.  At the national level voter turnouthas been as follows;GE1992 77.7%, GE1997 71.6%, GE199277.7%,GE2010 65.1%, GE215 66.2%, GE2017 68.8% and GE2019 67.3%. Therefore, whilst at the national level voter turnout hovers around 66%, voting by minority communities has remained poor. 


Voter turnout by religion is sketchy at best. However, most commentators believe that the turnout in Indic (Hindu, Sikh and Jain) communities is even lower.  In 2019 for Hindus most estimates place it at around 25%. Think about it, Hindus are the most productive members of British society, yet when it comes to voting, we are the worst.


Did you know that some 50% of ALL ethnic minorities live in just 75 seats (out of 650 seats). And did you know that the Labour Party won 70 of these 75 seats?And guess what, in 50 of these seats the ethnic voters were in the majority.


In 2019 Labour won ALL seats where the Black African/Caribbean population was over 14%. It also won 40 out of 46 seats with an ‘Asian’ population over 15% and incredibly, it won 18 of the 20 constituencies that had the most Indian voters.


All the polls suggest that Labour will win with a massive majority, and Keir Starmer is destined to be the new Prime Minister. IF true, then you the voters have less than 40 days to save this nation from a Labour government that will destroy the very fabric of this nation. Over the coming weeks we’ll explore the policies, but for now keepthe followingin mind.


  1. Labour MP’s demand for a special visa for Palestinians to enter the UK.
  2. Labour MP’s promote a fake narrative on PM Modi and the BJP.
  3. Labour MP’s appeasement of Khalistanis.
  4. Labour MP’s appeasement of Islamists.
  5. Labour MP’s bigotry towards the Jewish community.
  6. Labour MP’s support for Pakistan occupied Jammu &Kashmir.
  7. Labour MP’s anti-Hindu sentiments.


Number 1, if implemented will open the floodgates to the very destruction of this nation. Couple this with Starmer’s declaration that he will revoke the Rwanda Bill immediately, it will be open season for every terrorist and extremist out there to head for British shores.


Let me be clear, elect a Labour government and get ready for total anarchy on our streets. A week will not go by without out of control protest marches on our streets that will often turn violent. Hate marchers and knee benders will thrive knowing that Labour MP’s will be supportive of their madness.


Already on university campuses these hate protesters have made them into no go zones for Jews. Make a note, Hindus and Sikhs will be next.   You have to wonder what will happen to vulnerable white girls and women who were systematically abused, mainly by men of Pakistani heritage. Remember, most of this happened in Labour controlled Councils, with Labour Mayors and Labour appointed police commissioners. Was it all just coincidence? You decide.


And this is just the tip of the Labour iceberg heading our way. At your peril you ignore the danger of the madness that will be unleased by the left. Don’t cry or complain when the nation sinks like the titanic. 40 days folks, 40 days to save the future of this nation. Make your vote count.

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