BBC on Trial

Thursday 24th October 2024 04:20 EDT

Readers will be interested to know that a new documentary exposing the BBC will be released on 25th October 2024.  Its premier will take place at none other than the infamous ‘Jaipur Dialogues’ event taking place in Delhi from 25th to 28th October. For those who might not know ‘Jaipur Dialogues’, it is the only platform for grassroots voices of resurgent Bharat andattracts keynote stars like Rahul Shivshankar, Dr Sudhanshu Trivedi,Anand Ranganathan, Maadhavi Latha, Pradeep Bhandari, DGP SP Vaid and many more.


The documentary is the brainchild of none other than our very own Pt Satish K Sharma working in collaboration with Vinodh Kumar, Head of ‘String Reveals’, a Hindu organization. Satishji heads the ‘Global Hindu Federation’,an entity that aspires to engage with legislators andpolicy makers to advance the views of the Hindu diaspora.


You can watch the documentary via these web channels from 25th October:


The trailer released has already had more than 3 millionhits on social media.


The documentary comes at a time when only last month we saw the publication of the ‘Asserson Report’ into how it found the BBC was biased against Israel and the Jewish community.  It seems the BBC is carving out a special place for Israel, Jews, India and Hindus by its biased reporting and the spread of misinformation.


The trailer gives glimpses of what the full documentary is going to expose.We see Tina Bhardwaj who said, ‘I am sick and tired of the continuous, inaccurate, bigoted reporting that the BBC does.’There are video clips of Hindus protesting outside the BBC office for its anti-Hindu bias. Our own Jayubhai Shah of FISI stating that the ‘morality of BBC has failed India’.In one clip BBC newscastersspeak with contempt onPrime Minister Narendra Modi, on India and denigrate Shri Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.


Sanjay Dixit, Chairman of Jaipur Dialogues said, ‘Three centuries of imperialist arrogance and four centuries of colonial impudence has been dismantled by this documentary on BBC’.


The trailer showsexamples of leading personalities denounce or expose the bias and bigotry of the BBC.  These include the then Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi, the owner of ‘X’ Elon Musk, Pt Satish K Sharma, Ruchir Sharma, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudevan and others.


Vinodh Kumar, the head of ‘String Reveals’ says ‘if bias has another name, if deceit has another name, it’s BBC. British Broadcasting Corporation is a bunch of colonialists.’


Anil Bhanot, Managing Trustee of Hindu Council UK, says: ‘The Hindu community has long complained about the anti-Hindu bias that the BBC so often promotes. The list of its failings is long and includes its recent coverage of the opening of Shri Ram Mandir Ayodhya.  Appeasing to one community at the detriment of other communities is unacceptable.  As a state broadcaster the BBC has a huge responsibility in ensuring that it does not intentionally, or unknowingly, become the source of misinformation that can create divisions within our diverse communities.


This was echoed by David Vance a British journalist who said, ‘Many years ago, I set up a blog called ‘Biased BBC’ to highlight the inherent bias of the UK National Broadcaster. This bias is visceral in many areas not least how the BBC covers issues relating to India, PM Modi and Hindus. The BBC has been hostile to PM Modi ever since he came to power, and it consistently runs attack stories downplaying his many great achievements for India. Furthermore, the BBC likes to run negative stories about Hindus whilst simultaneously celebrating Muslim achievements. This is why I argue to defund the BBC as has proven itself to be a source of deceit.


Aman Bhogal, Founding Chairman of @GlobalBritainUK who also stood for Parliament in GE2015 was very clear when he simply said, ‘defund the BBC’.


Momentum is gathering worldwide. More nations are coming to the same conclusion that the BBC is the architect of chaos and misinformation. I should not be too surprised if there are legal proceedings commencing in India because of this exposé.


The BBC tends to get away with its madness primarily because it has been granted special privileges by the government. OFCOM is meant to regulate, but this toothless tiger hides behind rhetoric, platitudes and its own ineptitude.


I have written about the BBC and its anti-Hindu and anti-India bias before.  The makers of ‘BBC on Trial’approached me for my take, and of course I gave them chapter and verse.


Not everyone will agree with everything covered in the documentary.  However, the central contention that the BBC is biased and a source of misinformation surely most of us can agree on. I hope Indian, Hindu, Jain, Sikh and other concerned organisations take on board the message of the documentary and give it their support by bringing their livedexperiences to bear on the issued raised.


Whilst we have millionaires and billionaires,it’s interesting to note that none of them have done anything with that money, power and position to help take on these anti-India and anti-Hindu forces. It is therefore left to a few dedicated individual dharmic warriors to take on the might of the establishment, and at their cost. I hope they read this article, watch the documentary, and might even decide that it’s time to put their resources to better use.


This documentary is but the tip of an enormous iceberg that affects people of all races, all faiths and nations across the globe. If after watching it you still don’t get it, then know that you are the problem. 

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