9/11 – Two Decades On

Wednesday 18th September 2024 07:09 EDT

Two decades ago, inspired and led by Osama bin Laden, Islamists orchestrated the biggest attack on America since WW2.

 I remember that day very well.  I had in fact just arrived back from New York the previous night.  And yes, as it happens, I was actually at the twin towers the day before the attack, for a business meeting. Whilst I escapedeither by sheer luck or destiny, thousands of others unfortunately paid a very heavy price for the madness that was unleashed by the terrorists.

It sent shockwaves at the very centre of American establishment as well as right through every western nation. Osama bin Laden showed that there was no nation or target that was off the table. Millions have died since by the actions of the west against Islamic terrorism right across the Middle East. What started in 2001 has manifested itself into countless wars against the ‘axis of evil’.

One would have thought that given the magnitude of everything that had happened, that the west would have the commonsense not to fall for the lies of the radicals, the Islamists and the terrorists.  Yet two decades on the only conclusion one can come to is that maybe these terrorists are now having the last laugh.

It seems in these two decades they have managed to change the narrative in their favour to such an extent that most western nations now bend over backwards to appease to their whims. Most major political, educational, and social institutions in many western nations appear to be infiltrated by appeasers of Islamists.

 In America thousands came out on the streets to support the madness of Palestinian Hamas forgetting that this same ideology brought them 9/11. Two decades on it seems the new generation have forgotten their own history.  Of course we can this for all western nations.  We witness on a regular basis hate marchers who come out in forcesomewhere in Europe. Some people are so taken in by the narrative of the Islamists that they have lost allcommonsense perspectives.

You have to commend the Islamists for their command of a narrative where they remain victims whilst committingthe crimes. Billions of Dollars has underpinned this narrative.  They have literally bought off the news media and many of the leading influencers, columnists, celebrities, politicians, political parties, universities, lobbyists, and even high-level people in the justice system.

 The nature of western societies is on the cusp of permanent change.  A change that I fear will disenfranchise many of their own citizens.  Can this carry on?

 In my view it cannot carry on.  It’s now only a matter of time before we see unprecedented civil unrest. We have seen glimpses of this already, but there will come a time when it erupts into something that will be difficult to control. I would not be too surprised if we see our armed forces having to come out on the streets to maintain law and order. And this my friends will happen in every western democracy, sooner or later.

 For the UK, our Prime Minister has a huge mandate. He can literally do what he wants, and no one will be able to stop him. He has the power to reset our civic society such that the extremists and the radicals gain zero traction. Will he use that power wisely?  I fear he will not. He has already shown a remarkable talent for saying one thing and then doing something totally different.  I am aware that within the Labour Party, MPs, Councillors and ordinary members are being enticed to not just accept a warped definition of Islamophobia, but to enshrine that in law. Should this happen, we can kiss away our democracy and it will be the end of Great Britain as we know it.

Just this week we finally got a court ruling that Majid Freeman will spend 22 weeks in prison over a public order incident during the riots that took place in Leicester in September 2022. Do remember, Hindus in Leicester were attacked by Islamists. The British media and Labour politicians all made the Hindus to be the villains, and the Islamists the victims. Even the police failed in their duty towards the Hindu community at that time. This time however the Hindu community rose up and said enough is enough. It responded and made it abundantly clear as to who were the attackers, and who were the victims. Majid Freeman was made out to be an‘activist’, a ‘campaigner’ and a ‘humanitarian worker’ by the media. This false narrative is now laid to bare as he does time behind bars.

 My message to Keir Starmer, the Labour Party conference is with us shortly. Use that majority to rid your party of extremists and reset it so it becomes a party for the nation. It’s time to hear the cry of the masses that is so often subdued by the din of the hate marchers.

 Two decades on, what have we learnt? At your peril you ignore the silent majority.

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